5 Athletes Who Turned Their Fame Into A Career In Politics — Last Night's Game

5 Athletes Who Turned Their Fame Into A Career In Politics

(Podcast length 3:25 mins - the transcript is below)

These athletes quit their day job and big paychecks for a job in civil service which is just the armor you need to redirect the political conversation you'll undoubtedly face.


1. Boxing legend Manny Pacquiao went from the boxing ring to the Senate floor in the Philippines. This career move was the logical move for him to start working on his singing career. He has released two music albums in his home country. He ran for president of his native Philippines in 2022 but lost. JOIN THE CELEBRITY TRAIN


2. Jesse "The Body" Ventura dominated the ring during his WWE (Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment) career. But tiny speedos, knee-high boots and baby oil had nothing on politics in the Midwest. Ventura served as the governor of Minnesota, where he won spending $250,000 to his competitor's $4.3M. He raised funds by selling $22 t-shirts and accepting $50 donations from his supporters. IN IT TO WIN IT

3. There are a handful of U.S. Presidents who played college sports. Most notably Gerald Ford. Ford had quite the football career at Michigan. He played on consecutive undefeated national championship teams in 1932 and 1933. His jersey number, No. 48, is retired by the university. Ford turned down offers to play in the NFL. Instead, he went to Yale to become an assistant football and boxing coach, hoping it would help him get accepted into Yale Law School. THE REST IS HISTORY

4. We all love Kate McKinnon as Jeff Sessions on "Saturday Night Live," but did you know that former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville defeated Sessions in the Republican primary? Tuberville is now serving in the U.S. Senate. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE


5. Steve Largent went from the University of Tulsa to an NFL (National Football League) Hall of Fame career to Congress. The Seattle Seahawks legend left a lasting impression in the Emerald City; then he won his seat in Congress in his home state of Oklahoma. After running on a conservative agenda as a Republican, he lost his bid for governor in the general election to a Democrat. YOU LIVE, YOU LEARN 

HONORABLE MENTION: You can't have this list without the Mr. Universe, the California Governator himself - Arnold Schwarzenegger. But that seemed like a too obvious choice, and we wanted to bring you some outside-the-box thinking, hence the honorable mention.

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